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Confident Business People

Trustees Ministry

The Trustees are in charge of all financial affairs of the church and have under its jurisdiction the
care and custody of the church property. They provide job descriptions for all non-pastoral
employees of the church and are responsible for their annual performance reviews.

Diaconate Ministry

The Diaconate is responsible for the worship and spiritual life of our church and shall assist the
Pastor with preparation and performing of ceremonies such as baptisms, new members, and
celebration of the Sacraments. The Diaconate is responsible for the technology and supplies
related to worship as well as supply of the pulpit in the short-term or longer-term absence of the
Pastor. Other responsibilities include: the care of ill or hospitalized members, overseeing and
assisting with the Confirmation Class, and reviewing and updating the church membership. The
Diaconate is responsible for an annual performance review of the pastor.


Missions Ministry

The mission of First Congregational Church of Pelham’s Mission Ministry is to communicate clearly
the local and global ministries that will be supported by the sharing of gifts of time, talents and
treasures. We will act to coordinate, stimulate and guide the mission(s) of our church to follow in
accordance with the biblical mandate to “do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with our
God.” (Micah 6:8)

Women's Fellowship Ministry

With God’s love and guidance, our purpose for this group is to help one another grow in Christian
faith and understanding of Christ’s mission, to support one another in times of joy and pain, to
support the mission of the church, in the community, in the nation, and in the world, and to act in
the company of God’s people for justice and peace everywhere.

Pastor Parish Ministry

The Pastoral Relations Committee provides confidential support for the pastor’s personal and
professional development and facilitates healthy communication among and between members of
the congregation, the church staff, and the pastor.

Faith Formation Ministry

Faith Formation coordinates and supervises the religious education and faith formation programs
of the church including Church School, Youth Group(s), and Adult Education.

Portrait of Girl
Church Bells

Music Ministry

The Music Ministry includes the Music Director, the Handbell Choir Director, and up to 3 at large
members. The committee can assist the directors in their work of providing music for the church.

Stewardship Ministry

The Stewardship Ministry is responsible for inviting the congregation to prayerfully consider their
support of the mission and ministry of the church through the sharing of individual time, talent and
treasure. Each year Stewardship conducts a pledge campaign which includes fellowship events and
fundraising events that culminate with pledge time.


Church Council Ministry

The Church Council consists of representatives from the Diaconate, Board of Trustees, Christian
Education, Mission, Stewardship, Pastor Parish, Music, Nominating and Audit Committees, and the
Women’s Fellowship. The Council serves as an advisory board of consultation and direction and
carries out the business and mission of the church between congregational meetings.

first congregational church pelham

3 Main Street
Pelham, NH 03076
Phone: 603-635-7025

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