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About Us

The First Congregational Church of Pelham was “gathered” in when it’s members voted to build a Meetinghouse, the first step of a long journey to today.  In 1748, the town of Pelham bought the Nottingham West Meeting House and disassembled it, to be reassembled in the town Of Pelham in 1751.Today, 270 years later, the church stands on the same grounds secured by those founding families. And for over 260 years, the members of this Congregational church have participated in the Lord’s work in an active and joyful manner.A look at the history of First Congregational Church of Pelham reveals several threads of service and missions that, when woven together, has created a beautiful tapestry of dedication to honor God.

Involvement in mission activities has long been the standard here in Pelham, from the various women’s, men’s groups and youth groups. Mission work drives our community with food and clothing collections, meal preparation for the homeless, sponsoring missions in the community, the United States and around the world and participation in fund-raisers have all become part of the life of this community. We have the building blocks for developing future leaders for continuing the Lord’s work through an active Sunday School program, Women’s Fellowship and strong lay ministry. Participation in the worship life of the church and developing a vision for the future has reached wonderful heights here in Pelham and an enthusiasm for change with respect for tradition has driven our vision of our future.Today, the church continues to lead and grow. With the anticipation of continued ministry and good works, the First Congregational Church of Pelham UCC has an openness to welcome all who wish to come and join in fellowship.


We are a congregation of the United Church of Christ (, which takes as its motto Jesus’ prayer, “That they may all be one.”


  • We strive for unity at the same time that we celebrate diversity.

  • Church governance, in our tradition, is non-hierarchical. Instead, we emphasize the ways in
    which the gathered congregation itself seeks guidance from the Holy Spirit.

  • While our tradition affirms local church autonomy, our congregation also derives strength from
    the covenant bonds we share with other UCC congregations.

  • In the United Church of Christ we emphasize personal faith, guided by the Holy Spirit and
    scripture, as well as the social responsibility that derives from Jesus’ teaching that we are to
    minister to others.

As a member of the United Church of Christ and the Hillsboro Association of the New Hampshire
Conference of the United Church of Christ, the First Congregational Church of Pelham invites you to
come and make history, come and be welcomed, come and worship as we look to the future hearing the
words of Pastor John Robinson as he watched the Pilgrims depart from Holland toward America in
1620, “…the Lord had more truth and light to break forth of His Holy Word.”  


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