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Ways to Connect

Community Dinners have been a part of our Missions Program since 2009. We provide home cooked meals that include different entrees 6 times a year, along with delicious homemade desserts. 

The mission of First Congregational Church of Pelham’s Mission Committee is to communicate clearly the local and global ministries that will be supported by the sharing of gifts of time, talents and treasures.  We will act to coordinate, stimulate and guide the mission(s) of our church to follow in accordance to the biblical mandate to “do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God.”  (Micah 6:8)

Women's Fellowship

With God’s love and guidance, our purpose for this group is to help one another grow in Christian faith and understanding of Christ’s mission, to support one another in times of joy and pain, to support the mission of the church, in the community, in the nation, and in the world, and to act in the company of God’s people for justice and peace everywhere.


Our active Youth Ministry participates in the fullness of the church. From helping with fundraising to sharing their faith to mission work we show the love of God in all we do.


Faith Formation across the lifespan is important to developing and deepening one's spiritual life and walk with God.  We offer programs for everyone and are always looking to add more.

Book Discussion

Fiction, nonfiction, theology, self help, humorous, serious.  You name the genre and we will read it and see where God leads our conversation.  Always lively, always welcoming, always room for you!

Every single one of us has been given talents, time, and treasure; what will we do with them since we are all stewards of God? 


Pelham Old Home Day Breakfast Crew

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