OHD News
SETUP WEEKEND – “All Hands on Deck” to get everything out, cleaned up and ready. We plan to start unloading the parsonage barn on Friday, September 10th from 5:30 to 7:30pm and on Saturday, September 11th from about 9AM to about Noon. We may need to shuffle things around in the barn this year since we don’t need the fryolators, grills and freezers for the food tent but some of these items may be blocking access to other equipment that IS needed.
OHD VOLUNTEERS - Are you excited to help with Old Home Day. We are still looking for volunteers to help with set up and many different parts of the event this year. We would love to hear from you, please drop us an email at ohdpelhamnh@gmail.com or let us know on the website at https://www.pelhamoldhomeday.org/ or on the OHD facebook page.
FIRST ANNUAL CORN HOLE TOURNAMENT SIGN UP - *Cash prize to winners* other prizes to be announced. Proceeds will benefit The First Congregational Church of Pelham and its mission helping us help others. $40 entry per team (bring your own partner) Bags will be supplied & players are welcome to bring their own. Bags fly at 12 noon - all are welcome to play! Sign ups are now available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1st-annual-pelham-old-home-day-cornhole-tournament-tickets-149568101217 or on the website at https://www.pelhamoldhomeday.org.